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        • Editorial


        This issue of OASE starts from the observation that our knowledge of modern architectural approaches remains, to this very day, largely limited to the avant-garde practices of a few grandmasters of the Modern Movement. Their attitudes are, in line with their proper rhetoric, often understood as opposed to tradition, averse to existing codes and unconventional in character. This issue of OASE aims to shed light on a different set of modern architectural approaches that lingered as it were ‘in the shadow’ of their canon- ical peers. Critics such as Kenneth Frampton (the arrière-garde), Colin St John Wilson (the other moderns) and Manuel de Sola- Morales (another modern tradition) have drawn attention to the historical importance of these alternative practices. However, our interest is not in writing an alternative historiography or canonising little-known architects, but rather to illustrate that this other set of architectural practices represents alternative ap- proaches to modernity that offer points of departure from which to rethink contemporary design attitudes. 

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        Avermaete, T., & de Bruijn en Job Floris, D. (2014). Editorial. Codes and Continuities, OASE, (92), 5–11. Retrieved from https://oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/92/Editorial

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    1. 12/02/2025
      Call for Abstracts OASE 123

      Incompleteness / Written by Sebastiaan Loosen, Hans Teerds, Tom Avermaete / Deadline 7 March 2025

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    2. 23/10/2024
      Call for Abstracts OASE 122

      Ecological Pedagogies / Written by Janna Bystrykh, Bart Decroos, Jantje Engels, Sereh Mandias, Elsbeth Ronner / Deadline 1 December 2024

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    3. 06/10/2024
      Call for Submissions

      Geert Bekaert Prize for Architecture Criticism

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    4. 21/11/2023
      call for conversations OASE 118

      Rationalism Revisited

      This Call is written by Justin Agyin, Bart Decroos, Christoph Grafe. The deadline is 17 December 2023.

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    5. 11/11/2023
      call for abstracts OASE 119
      1. Review of Jean-Louis de Cordemoy's Nouveau traité de toute l'architecture in Mémoires pour l'histoire des sciences & des beaux-arts, September 1706

      Book Reviews
      From Words to Buildings
      In this issue of OASE, the history of the architectural book review is outlined through case studies. This Call is written by Christophe Van Gerrewey and Hans Teerds. The deadline is 20 December 2023.

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    6. 06/03/2023
      BK Talks on 16 March 2023 about 'Design with Soil: Urbanizing the living surface'

      On 16 March 2023 the TU Delft will host a debate inspired by OASE 110.

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    7. 21/02/2023
      Call for Abstracts OASE 117. Village Variations

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    8. 31/01/2023
      Now available: OASE 113. Authorship

      What does the author’s ‘owning’ of a project mean? And does this sense of ownership still prevail in contemporary architecture culture? Other more open forms of cooperation and co-creation are emerging alongside the concept of individual singular authorship.

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    9. 02/12/2022
      Presentation OASE 112 on 8 December 2022 in Rotterdam, NL

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    10. 24/11/2022
      Call for Abstracts OASE 116
      1. Carmen Portinho in front of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (source: Wikimedia Commons)

      ‘The Architect as Public Instellectual’
      Deadline: 23-12-2022

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