- 068
- ‘Il Fondaco è morto, lunga vita al Fondaco!’
- Abstract
- In 1998 the commission for a controversial redevelopment strategy of the historical Fondaco dei Tedeschi was entrusted to the architects of OMA. The restoration and concept conceived by OMA for the 9,000 m2 of the Fondaco, provided for the transformation of the building into an urban condenser that could
be in tune with the requirements of the client. This article discusses the intervention of OMA hinging on two strategies: opening up the building on one side and a non-hierarchical disclosure of the historical layers on the other. It then examines the difference between the initial architectural proposal for the building and the refurbishment for its commercial use and the discrepancy between the architectural design for the property and the commercial interests of the client.
- Citation
- Ricci, G. (2018). ‘Il Fondaco è morto, lunga vita al Fondaco!’. Microcosm . Searching for the City in Its Interiors, OASE, (101), 68–71. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/101/IlFondacoemorto
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- Editors of this issue
- Aslı Cicek, Christoph Grafe, Sereh Mandias, Daniel Rosbottom
- Authors
- Gideon Boeie & Thomas Rasker, Claudia Conforti, Fredie Flore, Casper Franken & Sereh Mandias, Christoph Grafe, Marius Grootveld, Aura-Luz Melis, Giulia Ricci, Daniel Rosbottom, Eireen Schreurs, Eva Stoorgaard
- Design
- Karel Martens, Aagje Martens
- November 2018
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISBN978-94-6208-469-8
- © {"en"=>"NAi Publishers"}, 2018
- Subsidising institutions
- Creative Industries Fund NL