- 021
- Niemeyer and the Portuguese LandscapeNotes on the Algarve, 1965
- Abstract
- In 1965, Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer was commissioned to plan a tourist resort in the Algarve (Portugal), on a natural landscape by the sea. Niemeyer’s preliminary study for Pena Furada consisted of a model, an overall plan and a few handwritten pages with handmade drawings. Most remarkable were the document’s narrative structure, and the role of serial views in relation to that structure. The article argues that Niemeyer’s use of serial views disclosed the development of an otherwise unnoticed ‘system of places’. Indeed, through the use of serial views, Niemeyer’s preliminary study for the Algarve systematically incorporated the observer’s viewpoint as a mechanism to investigate the relationship between architecture and landscape. The role of serial views seems to have been to organise relations, in a way to examine the association between objects and landscape in a different manner than the one made possible by the abstract aerial view.It was the sequence of frames that suggested that the different sectors (or at least, the architect’s intentions in that way) could be recognised as distinct places, and could work as a system. Serial views, as a narrative device, showed a counterpart to the ‘system of objects’ depicted by the master plan.
- Citation
- Costa Cabral, C. (2017). Niemeyer and the Portuguese Landscape. Notes on the Algarve, 1965. Narrating Urban Landscapes, OASE, (98), 21–30. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/98/NiemeyerandthePortugueseLandscape
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- Editors of this issue
- Klaske Havik, Bruno Notteboom, Saskia de Wit
- Editors
- Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik, Hans Teerds, Hüsnu Yegenoglu, Job Floris, Michiel Dehaene, Bruno Notteboom, Christoph Grafe, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Véronique Patteeuw, Bart Decroos, Asli Cicek, Sereh Mandias
- Authors
- Frederic Pousin, Günter Vogt, Anke Schmidt, Bas Smets, Andrew Shanken, Maarten Overdijk, Ed Wall, Carole Levesque
- Design
- Karel Martens, Aagje Martens
- July 2017
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISBN978-94-6208-354-7
- © NAi Publishers, 2017
- Subsidising institutions
- Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting