- 051
- Design Your Kitchen versus Kitchen Design
- Abstract
- This article presents two kitchen designs from the immediate
post-war period – one by Swiss French architect Le Corbusier
and the other by Danish artists Asger Jorn and Erik Nyholm.
These two works present a different understanding of the
hegemony of design and designer. Both their notion of a
proactive engagement with the user as well as the relationship
of form, colour and use in their schemes reveal their
respective positions in the post-war discussion of a Synthesis
of the Arts in Paris.
- Citation
- Baumeister, R. (2016). Design Your Kitchen versus Kitchen Design. Social Poetics . The Architecture of Use and Appropriation, OASE, (96), 51–54. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/96/DesignYourKitchenVersusKitchenDesign
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- Editors of this issue
- Michiel Dehaene, Els Vervloesem, Marleen Goethals, Hüsnü Yegenoglu
- Design
- Karel & Aagje Martens
- June 2016
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISSN0169-6238
- ISBN978-94-6208-280-9
- © NAi Publishers, 2016
- Subsidising institutions
- Technische Universiteit Delft, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universiteit Gent, Universiteit Hasselt, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester