- 040
- Bitola: Shifting Images of a Western Balkan City
- Abstract
- In this article an analysis is made of mid-size city imagery throughout the long twentieth century in the Western Balkans, a region of radical change. In this region the production of urban images is an especially important activity in the process of cultural transformation. The focus is on the case study of Bitola, also known as Monastir, part of the present-day Republic of Macedonia. By looking at locally created motion pictures, three different periods are investigated – yet mostly concentrating on the contemporary context. Two notions help to understand the agency of mid-size city imagery and discourses: first the ‘relational positioning’ towards other cities and settlements, and second the ‘reductionist exclusion’ of different imageries existing within the city itself. Finally, the author argues that in the described context it is the mid-size city discourse that allows for selective profiling, as well as parallel reading of the coexisting urban images.
- Citation
- Stilinovic, M. (2013). Bitola: Shifting Images of a Western Balkan City. Medium. Images of the Mid-Size City, OASE, (89), 40–46. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/89/BitolaShiftingImagesOfAWesternBalkanCity
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- Editors of this issue
- Bruno Notteboom, Klaske Havik, Michiel Dehaene
- February 2013
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISSN0169–6238
- ISBN978-94-6208-015-7
- © NAi Publishers, 2013
- Subsidising institutions
- Creative Industries Fund NL