- 056
- On Moretti: Last of the Moderns
- Abstract
- The exhibition ‘Luigi Moretti architetto: dal razionalismo all’informale’, held at the MAXXI museum in Rome (30 May to 28 November 2010) and curated by Bruno Reichlin and Maristella Casciato, offers a chance to re-evaluate Moretti’s position as pivotal figure in twentieth-century architecture. The curators dubbed Moretti ‘the last of the Moderns and the first of the Contemporaries’. Andrew Leach, in discussing the contents of the exhibition, turns to Moretti’s strong interest in the architecture of the Baroque. Moretti’s structurally informed experimentalism and the active engagement of architectural history in his designs betray the influence of Borromini. Moretti’s analyses of Borromini’s designs, in his writing as well as in his built work, showed the importance of Borromini’s work for the point of transition that was the moment between Late Modernism and Postmodernism.
- Citation
- Leach, A. (2011). On Moretti: Last of the Moderns. Baroque, OASE, (86), 56–60. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/86/OnMorettiLastOfTheModerns
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- Editors of this issue
- Christoph Grafe, David de Bruijn, Job Floris, Ruben Molendijk, Tom Vandeputte
- Authors
- Maarten Delbeke
- December 2011
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (color)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISSN0169 – 6238
- ISBN978-90-5662-841-3
- © NAi Publishers, 2011
- Subsidising institutions
- Netherlands Architecture Fund