- 057
- A Matrix as an Analogous SpaceA Mental Tool for New Insights
- Abstract
- In his contribution, Belgian architect Thierry Lagrange posits a design strategy that seeks out the potential of ambiguity. The strategy is based on the concept of analogy in architecture, as examined in several historical Italian examples (such as the work of Martini, Scamozzi, and more recently Rossi). Lagrange concentrates on the superimposition of various elements from the setting, history or the designer’s frame of reference – elements selected according to specific criteria using a matrix. This superimposition keeps the design open and ambiguous, and in the process increase the likelihood that it will lead to something new and surprising, to something that was not envisaged at the outset. This analogous method is a potential strategy to include indeterminacy in the design process as a guiding factor.
- Citation
- Lagrange, T. (2011). A Matrix as an Analogous Space. A Mental Tool for New Insights. Productive Uncertainty. Indeterminacy in Spatial Design, Planning and Management, OASE, (85), 57–70. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/85/AMatrixAsAnAnalogousSpace
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- Editors of this issue
- Hans Teerds, Klaske Havik, Véronique Patteeuw
- Design
- Aagje Martens, Karel Martens
- October 2011
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISSN0169-6238
- ISBN978-90-5662-840-6
- © NAi Publishers, 2011
- Subsidising institutions
- The Netherlands Architecture Fund, the Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Foundation