- 025
- Through the Land of the MindLina Bo Bardi’s Drawing for a House in Sicily
- Abstract
- Casa sul mare di Sicilia by architect Lina Bo Bardi in collaboration with Carlo Pagani is an unbuilt project that was published in Domus 152, in August 1940. A peculiar drawing places the house in the context of an imaginary landscape evocative of the island of Sicily. The drawing appears like an externalisation of the mental process of imagination, in which the images collected by the architect are effectively visualised through a specific arrangement, like isolated constructions in a landscape. Describing a mental landscape of surrealist memory, the drawing helps the architect to construct new associations of images and thus nurture a lifelong architectural imagination.
- Citation
- Fabrizi, M. (2020). Through the Land of the Mind. Lina Bo Bardi’s Drawing for a House in Sicily. Practices of Drawing, OASE, (105), 25–32. Retrieved from https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/105/ThroughTheLandOfTheMind
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- Editors of this issue
- Bart Decroos, Véronique Patteeuw, Asli Cicek, Jantje Engels
- Authors
- Gregorio Astengo, Mariabruna Fabrizi, Richard Hall, Merlijn Hurx, Leonidas Koutsoumpos, Francesco Marullo, Helen Thomas, Jurjen Zeinstra
- Design
- Karel Martens, Aagje Martens
- April 2020
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISBN 978-94-6208-554-1
- © {"en"=>"NAi Publishers"}, 2020
- Subsidising institutions
- OASE wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt met de steun van het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie en de geassocieerde universiteiten en instellingen.