- 049
- Rooms and Things:Heinrich Tessenow’s Interior Perspectives
- Abstract
- Through the comparison of four interior perspectives that Heinrich Tessenow created between 1903 and 1913, this essay develops four different notions to understand the work of Tessenow. These drawings of living rooms can be seen to move from a density of hatches and scribbles, evoking Stimmung, to the Abstraktion of plain outlines on a white surface. As such, his drawings seem to focus more and more on Sachlichkeit, until finally, there is a shift towards an evocation of anonymous traditions of making things, expressed as a timeless essence through their Gewöhnlichkeit.
- Citation
- Zeinstra, J. (2020). Rooms and Things:. Heinrich Tessenow’s Interior Perspectives. Practices of Drawing, OASE, (105), 49–58. Retrieved from https://oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/105/RoomsandThings
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- Editors of this issue
- Bart Decroos, Véronique Patteeuw, Asli Cicek, Jantje Engels
- Authors
- Gregorio Astengo, Mariabruna Fabrizi, Richard Hall, Merlijn Hurx, Leonidas Koutsoumpos, Francesco Marullo, Helen Thomas, Jurjen Zeinstra
- Design
- Karel Martens, Aagje Martens
- April 2020
- English/Dutch
- Paperback/Illustrated (b/w)
- 170 × 240 mm
- Order this issueas hard copy or ebook
- ISBN 978-94-6208-554-1
- © {"en"=>"NAi Publishers"}, 2020
- Subsidising institutions
- OASE wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt met de steun van het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie en de geassocieerde universiteiten en instellingen.